Monday 23 January 2012


Fight your lows with exercise highs!
MoodEx - Open Day Event

When you are out of pills and therapy sessions you can still fight
your lows with exercise!

Click here to sign up today!

If  you suffer of stress, feel sad or think there's no sunshine for you....or if you know someone who feels like this, you may have just found the answer you have been looking for.

Now you can discover how to feel energy high, how to get back your joy for life and heal your sadness without pills and therapy hours.

Meet our fitness and exercise professionals joining our Open Day Event and discover:
  • how do you feel after 15 minutes of  aerobic session
  • how to use yoga techniques for relaxation 
  • how to reduce tension with massage
  • how high intensity training can energise you
  • how to use functional movements for a quick mood fix
  • why kettlebells exercises can be a fast and efficient way to manage your mood when your time is limited.

Our speakers will inform you on what influence can have stress and depression over the quality of life, and how exercise can be one cheap, effective and totally under your control way to manage it.

Learn how to get over your mood swings and improve your daily life.

The event takes place on 12th of May at Calton Centre
Starts at 4.15pm
Doors open at 4.00pm

Please register and share this event with your friends.
The event is donation based.

Our Guests
X - What is the impact of depression over our lives
John C. - How can exercise help control your mood

Elaine Mooney - Aerobics Session
Cheryl Brykajlo - Massage and Mood
Ganesh and Prakash - Relax with yoga
Jonny Watson - Functional movements
Hayley Mckenzie- High Intensity Circuits
Matteo Bera - Running
Y- Kettlebells for fast relief

4.00 - Door open
4.15 - First Speaker
4.25 - Second Speaker
4.40 - Aerobic session
5.00 - Workshops
5.45 - Raffle
5.55 - Event end
MoodEx: Poster

Thank you for your help:
Neil MacKenzie and Darren  @ Stevenson College Edinburgh

Russell Aitken @